Careers Overview

Our aim at Stanchester Academy is for all students to achieve their personal best.   In careers education, this translates as every student making well-informed decisions about their future.

Stanchester Careers will:

  • Provide quality independent and impartial careers advice to students which inspires and motivates them to fulfil their potential. .
  • Encourages students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers.   
  • Provide opportunities to work engage with employers, training providers, local colleges and others to provide opportunities to inspire students through real-life contact with the world of work.  
  • Develop enterprise and employability skills
  • Support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity.  
  • Encourage students to see career development as a life-long process.  

Careers education is the responsibility of all Stanchester staff, and our pupils can expect advice and guidance from both formal and informal conversations across the school campus. Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) at Stanchester Academy has four elements: 

Careers Education: delivered through the tutor programme,  curriculum, and PSHRE to give students the knowledge and skills to make confident choices

  • Career Information: Including options, skills, occupations, labour market information (LMI), pathways and progression routes. 
  • Careers Advice and Guidance: Independent and impartial careers advice and guidance provided by a L6 qualified careers advisor.
  • Work Related Learning: Experiences within and outside the curriculum to help students learn about economic well-being, careers and enterprise.  

View our Careers Policy and Provider Access Policy here

View our Careers Programme overview here. (Please note this is a fluid document that is subject to change, but provides an overview of our intent for the year).

Labour Market Information

As part of our careers programme we signpost pupils and parents to CAREER PILOT to access up to date information about the labour market and employability skills.

You can also use the Careerometer tool to better understand and compare jobs - salary, working hours, etc.

Type in the first career that you think you might be interested in and select from the drop-down list, then add your first and second choice to see the comparison


The Somerset Careers Hub have launched a selection of Padlets to support students.

Students & Parents/Carers : This Padlet is designed for students, parents & carers. It contains information such as open days, along with local opportunities and support for students, parents & carers on the transition to Post 16 & Post 18. 


Links to FE and training providers:

Exeter College

Sexeys Bruton

Somerset Skills and Learning

Further support
For both parents and students, find further links to career information here.

For employers and professionals wishing to engage with our careers progamme please complete this EMPLOYER ENGAGEMENT FORM  

We review our careers offer regularly. Learner voice and parental feedback are key to ensuring our careers programme is meaningful and has impact. We value your feedback, which can be given by completing this PARENT FEEDBACK FORM.

We love to champion success stories from our Alumni, as this can be the most tangible, aspiring way of educating our pupils about their future options.

If you are an old pupil please do get in touch here to share your career journey, and join our LinkedIn page.