What do Governors do?

As a member of the largest voluntary body in the UK, school governors have three core functions in order to provide the highest standards of education:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the Academy and its students
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the Academy and making sure its money is well spent.

The role of a governor is largely a thinking and questioning one. In this way, governors support the school, the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) as they lead and manage the Academy. Governors challenge what goes on by questioning, asking for explanations and making sure students get the best possible deal from their school. Training is available for all governors to help them fulfil their role.

How do Stanchester's Governors fulfil their role?

  • By attending and contributing to Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings, of which there are 11 spread over the school year. They are held midweek at the school and run from 5.30pm - 8pm.

  •  Some governors serve on one or more of the committees that advise the FGB on specific matters, e.g.Finance and Buildings, Pay and Performance, Appeals Panels

  • By visiting the Academy regularly (work and other commitments permitting) governors are better able to assess and understand what happens at school. This enables them to observe at first hand the progress made and to monitor the issues identified within the School Improvement Plan (SIP). These visits are arranged in conjunction with the SLT and guidance is provided.
  • By contributing in other ways e.g. attending events such as concerts, drama productions, celebration assemblies, helping to appoint new staff, linking with students and parents to find out their views.

Becoming a Governor at Stanchester Academy

We are always open to approaches from those interested in joining us. Whilst you may have skills which would be of particular use to the Governing Body, no specific qualifications are needed and generally we need people who are willing to contribute ideas and constructively challenge what goes on.

If you would like to express an interest or find out more about the role please contact Greg Jones, BCT Company Secretary and Clerk to Governors clerk@btc-trust.org

Our Governors

Contacting a Governor

To contact a Stanchester Governor please email the main office and they will forward all correspondance - Stanchester Office