Click here to download the 2024/25 Admissions Policy
Click here to download the 2025/26 Admissions Policy
Click here to download the 2026/27 Admissions Policy
As an Academy, the Governing Body is the Admissions Authority for the school. Stanchester Academy currently adheres to Somerset Schools Admissions protocol. For Somerset County Council's Admission information click here
Year 7 Transfer Application
Applications for a place in year 7 in September should be directed to the Somerset School Admissions Team. To request an application form or for further information please click here
The School Admissions Team will process applications and pass a list to the Governing Body at Stanchester Academy for consideration. If we have more requests for places than the number of places available the over subscription criteria set out in the admissions policy will be used to decide which children are offered places.
The closing date for submission of the Year 7 intake application form is 31 October. If your application has not been received by the School Admissions Team by this time it will be considered as a late application.
Somerset County Council School Catchment
Stanchester Academy Catchment Map 2020
Offering and refusing places
Decisions will be sent out by the School Admissions Team via email (for online applications) or by 2nd class letter post on 1 March for the following September admissions. If the Governing Body is unable to offer places to students who have applied you do have the right to an independent Appeal Committee. Details will be given in your outcome letter.
Appeal a school admissions decision
Year 6/7 Transition – Family Interviews
If your son/daughter has been successful in gaining a place in Year 7 at Stanchester Academy then you will be invited to attend a family interview with a member of the school staff. These interviews usually take place in the month of May before your child starts in September.
In-Year Application (Years 8 to 11 and Year 7 after the start of September)
We welcome enquiries from parents of students who are already in Secondary education and are considering a transfer to Stanchester Academy. The published admissions number for each of our current year groups as of 1st September 2024 is as follows:
Year Group | Published Admission Number | Currently on Roll (includes accepted applications) |
7 | 174 | 175 |
8 | 174 | 171 |
9 | 174 | 172 |
10 | 174 | Year Group closed to new admissions |
11 | 174 | 136 |
Should the school have a space in the year group required, the application for transfer should then be made to the school. You will be invited to attend a meeting with the relevant Head of Year and a letter will be sent to you from the school offering or refusing a place within 10 working days of a completed application being received.
Please click here for the Changing Schools in Somerset Information leaflet
Click here to download the In-year application form
Students with disabilities
The above arrangements also apply to students with disabilities. We presently have on roll students who have a range of disabilities. We especially welcome such students as they add to the diversity of our school community. Please do not hesitate to contact the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) at the school to arrange an appointment to discuss your son/daughter’s needs.
Free School Meals
If you think that you might be entitled to claim free School Meals for your child/children please click below for more information and an application form.
Free School Meals Information and application form
School Transport
School transport is operated by Somerset County Council. For further information please click here