Curriculum Offer

At Stanchester Academy our desire is to offer students a curriculum that equips them with the knowledge and skills to successfully progress onto further education and ultimately into employment of their choice. We operate a two-week timetable with 25 periods per week distributed across a range of subjects as seen below. Alongside our ‘timetabled curriculum’, we offer a ‘wider curriculum’ that includes our daily tutor time sessions, enrichment activities, sports clubs, STEM, and careers programmes alongside much more.

Key Stage 3

In key stage 3 we offer a broad range of subjects that are carefully balanced to ensure that all students develop knowledge and skills across different subject disciplines. Across Years 7 to 9 students study our bespoke Business and Digital Skills course that equips them with applied computing knowledge, an insight into the world of business and employment, alongside valuable careers, and enterprise-based skills. In Years 7 and 8, a new lesson specifically for PSHE has been introduced that will be expanded across KS3 and KS4 next year.

Key Stage 4

Students begin studying their GCSE Maths and Science towards the end of Year 9. However, Year 10 serves as the formal start to GCSE studies and requires students to select their option subjects from a curated list of subjects. In Years 10 and 11 timetables follow the allocations below. We have purposefully ensured that Year 10 and 11 students receive 2 lessons of PE a week for the benefit of their physical and mental wellbeing.