Year 9 Options

Deciding which options to choose in Year 9 is an important decision to make and will have an impact on your education for the next two years and beyond. The choices you make have the potential to shape and form your future aspirations and can be the first step towards deciding what paths you will take. We understand that whilst being an exciting opportunity to select subjects you are passionate about, it can also be a difficult process with many questions. To help with this, following on from our Options Evening Presentation, below are some short videos explaining the key information you need to know for each subject. You will also find links to the Options Evening Presentation and the KS4 Curriculum Booklet. 

If you have any questions about the subjects or process of selecting your options, please speak to your head of year or the subject teachers directly. Or alternatively you can email the subject leaders using the link below their video. 

Download the presentation here

Download the KS4 Curriculum booklet here

Email Mrs Burrow

Email Mr Young

Email Mrs Fontanals

Email Mrs Hyde

Email Miss Clark

Email Mrs Elson

Email Ms Hyde

Email Mr Morgan

Email Mrs Wells

Email Mr Morgan

Email Ms Williams

Email Mrs Mort

Email Miss Clark

Email Miss Beaumont

Email Mr Hext

Email Mrs Kenchington

Email Mrs Elson

Email Mrs Elson