
We passionately believe that all students are entitled to a rigorous knowledge based curriculum, while embracing Science as an everchanging entity as new discoveries and theories are constantly being made, and one in which the environmental, ethical, social, health and economic benefits of this knowledge are understood.

At Stanchester, we are committed to a broad and balanced science curriculum that leads students to develop their knowledge and understanding continuously through from Year 7 to 11. We have maintained topics such as Space, Geology and Anatomy in our KS3 curriculum even though they no longer form part of the KS4 requirements to maintain this breadth and enhance interest and relevance. The triple science course is available as an option in Year 10 & 11.

Our curriculum is designed to build towards both successful outcomes at GCSE, as well as open students’ minds to the wide range of college courses and subsequent job opportunities available in the sciences. We make clear students’ pathway through the curriculum both in lessons, and share this information on the website. Content is sequenced such that knowledge and skills will build on previous years, for example: Year 7 will build on their knowledge of the particle model from KS2 to learn about elements and compounds, Year 8 will explore different types of chemical reactions, Year 9 will learn how their current understanding of particles and atoms has been developed, and connect it to observable patterns on the periodic table. They will then continue this to explore ions and chemical bonding. Year 10 will then progress this to the full range of KS4 Chemistry applications such as Quantitative Chemistry, and Electrolysis.

Resources within our curriculum are differentiated to ensure all students are supported and challenged to achieve their potential, with the aim of all students achieving the one challenging objective in every lesson.

Assessment is used at regular planned intervals in-line with the academy assessment model to identify gaps, and opportunities to close them are planned into the teaching sequence. The life-long love of science that we hope to instil will leave them as confident, independent and engaged global citizens of the future.

Curriculum Overviews

Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4
Year 7 Science Year 10 Combined Science
Year 8 Science Year 10 Triple Science
Year 9 Science Year 11 Combined Science
  Year 11 Triple Science