
Music - KS3

Music at KS3 offers students to the opportunity to study a wide range of genres and sub-genres, whilst focusing on the key National Curriculum Music focus of Performing, Listening, Reviewing and Evaluating. National Music Curriculum

By the end of Year 9, students are equipped with a solid understanding & appreciation of Music, as well as a foundation for those continuing their study at KS4. In addition to this, there are a variety of clubs on offer to supplement the Music offer here at Stanchester, as well as trips, workshops and performance opportunities.

Music - KS4

KS4 Music students currently follow the BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice, building on the range of units explored and studied at KS3, studying genres and artists in more depth. Independence and self-development are key to this course, as well as project management as part of their NEA. They also have to work and respond to a brief, applying a more vocational aspect to their learning. Students are encouraged to actively be more involved in co-curricular opportunities with more being introduced in the near future.

Curriculum Overviews

Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4
Year 7 Music Year 10 Music
Year 8 Music Year 11 Music
Year 9 Music